With Friends Like These…

Media Matters, reporting on Zell Miller’s auspicious debut as a Fox commentator, details the former Senator’s Democratic credentials:

[T]he network identified former Senator Zell Miller -- who supported President Bush's reelection, spoke at the Republican National Convention, and authored A National Party No More: The Conscience of a Conservative Democrat (Stroud & Hall, 2003) -- as a Democrat. […] During the program, Miller falsely claimed that the "Republicans stayed in power for 34 years" beginning in 1896; repeated Republican talking points on Social Security, tort reform, and tax policy; heaped praise on former House speaker Newt Gingrich and his new book; criticized Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY); and asserted that he agreed with the Republicans over the Democrats on every issue in 2004.

Though Zell is fond of challenging people to duels, no one seems willing to accept. But I’ve just about had it with this wrinkled piece of nonsense, so I accept. I’ll duel ya, old man. What’ll it be—swords? pistols? battle of wits? The choice is yours, Leatherface. My fat old chain-smoker’s ass will even race ya. Game of hoops, potato sack races, best of 5 tiddlywinks, whatever you want. Rock paper scissors? Let’s go. I’m there. Just name the place and time, Daddy-o.

And, then, after the very cool and very ballsy Nancy Pelosi reamed Bush over the nonexistent WMDs, who should decide to “break ranks” and argue on behalf of Furious George? Why, our 2000 VP nominee, of course.

Revving up the Joementum in his seemingly never-ending quest to become the most detested Democrat of all time, Joe Lieberman showed up on where else but Fox, saying:

"The fact that we didn't discover large stocks of weapons of mass destruction doesn't mean that Saddam Hussein didn't have them,” […a]dding that, in his view, it seemed likely that the deposed Iraqi leader had planned to develop a banned weapons in due time.

This is A FORMER DEMOCRATIC VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE. I don’t believe it’s possible to convey the depth of my odium for Joe Lieberman, but let me give it a shot. My loathing, if transformed into legal tender, would be equal in size to George Soros’ entire fortune cashed in for pennies and stacked in a pile so massive it would likely throw the earth off its orbit.

What the hell is wrong with this guy? Just get the fuck out of my party already. And take Zany Zell with you.


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