Whaddaya Know

It turns out that Mel Gibson liked Fahrenheit 9/11 and Michael Moore liked The Passion of the Christ.

Mel: I saw the film. I liked it … I feel a kind of strange kinship with Michael … I mean, they're trying to pit us against each other in the press, but this is all just a hologram, you know. They've really got nothing to do with one another. They were used as some kind of divisive left-right thing.

Michael: I thought it was a powerful piece of filmmaking … I'm a practicing Catholic, and you know I think Mel and I may be from different wings of the Catholic Church. My film might have been called 'The Compassion of the Christ.

The Freepers are going bonkers, in truly hilarious style. It’s interesting that supporting an anti-war view has suddenly called his religiousness into question for some on the Right. It seems to me like someone who subscribes to and genuinely believes in the teachings of Christ would tend to be anti-war, although a little thing called the Crusades tends to undermine that assumption; it appears that some things never change.

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