Recapping Disaster

Yesterday was not a very good day for Democrats, or anyone concerned about the future of democracy in this country. Two chances to make a difference were diffused. First, the massive problems in Ohio that threw the election to Bush (and yes, there is much evidence to support this - the election was stolen again, there is no doubt, it is NOT a conspiracy theory) and a serious discussion about election reform (i.e. getting rid of those machines that have no paper trail in order to prevent foul play) were presented by Sen. Barbara Boxer and then promptly turned into a farce when the House & Senate voted against her objection. This INCLUDED many Democrats. Several Repubs - including tarnished Majority Leader Tom DeLay - accused the Democrats of being sore loser conspiracy nuts who wanted to undermine the democratic process. Ironic. Minorities everywhere should be concerned because it was basically a black against white fight, with the whites telling the blacks 'too bad, there is nothing you can do about it'. It is also significant that the most prominent voices in this protest against the election results have been Jesse Jackson and John Conyers - NOT John Kerry who was absent altogether.

Then, several Democrats rolled over for toture-promoter Alberto Gonzales in his confirmation hearing. Another missed opportunity to stand up against the Republican agenda. If you don't like any of Bush's proposed policies - Social Security privatization, the continued farce in Iraq, further tax cuts for the rich - too bad. Your elected Democratic leaders are more concerned about self-preservation than the principles they are supposed to represent. And when our Monority Leader is the definition of Republican-Lite, we are in grave danger. The Democratic party is in MAJOR trouble and we are quickly becoming a one-party state.

This article nicely highlights what I just said. I recommend you read it.

On a bright note, I am very proud to see that the two Senators representing IL - Durbin and Obama - really stepped up.

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