I want to welcome you all here; Laura and I are so thrilled you're here. We want to welcome your spouses. I particularly want to say a thanks to your spouse for having supported your run for the Congress or the Senate. Laura and I know how hard it is on a family to be in the political arena. It's the ultimate sacrifice, really: sacrifice your privacy; it's a sacrifice of time with your kids. But you're going to find it's worthwhile -- serving this great country is an unbelievable honor, and both the elected official and the spouse are serving our great country. (Via AMERICAblog.)Or perhaps he does, and finds that sacrificing his privacy and time with his kids is more important than the troops sacrificing their lives. That would certainly explain a lot, wouldn’t it?
Please, somebody, get this man a dictionary…
…because he clearly doesn’t understand the meaning of the word ultimate:
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