More on Helmet-Head

John at Blogenlust posts a reminder that in October of 2003, Condi was charged with managing the post-war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
So, 15 months ago, after expressing dissatisfaction with the progress in Iraq, Bush appoints Rice to oversee, among other things, counterterrorism and political affairs in Iraq so that he can have more control over, and be more accountable for, events there. Mission Accomplished, indeed! (Note to Democrats: This would have been a nice thing to mention during the election.)
This adds a particularly interesting context to an exchange she had with Senator Joe Biden during her confirmation hearing (keenly spotted by Jill at Brilliant at Breakfast):
Biden: Do you think we had adequate forces?

Rice: I wouldn't presume to give the President advice.
Okay, well, here’s the problem, Condi. You’re the National Security Adviser, soon to be the Secretary of State. In either cabinet position, your primary job responsibility is to serve as an advisor to the President, particularly this president, who has repeatedly noted that he surrounds himself with people on whose advice he depends almost exclusively.

How can someone be fit to hold a position the requirements of which she either doesn’t understand or is unwilling to acknowledge under oath?

This woman makes me sick. Aside from her irrelevant expertise on the former Soviet Republic, what, exactly, are her qualifications? Nuzzling?

She has been an abject failure as a National Security Advisor. That her confirmation was all but a done deal before the hearing even began makes me feel ill. And unsafe. I mean, if another PDB came along warning of a potential attack, how can we be assured that Condi would be willing to take appropriate action? After all, she wouldn’t presume to give the President advice.

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