Gay Rights in Illinois

As I've mentioned before, I love living in Illinois!

Today the state House approved a bill that will add "sexual orientation" to the state law that protects people from bias based on race, religion and similar traits. It applies to discrimination in jobs, housing, public accommodations or credit. Governor Rod Blagojevich has already pledged to sign it.

Cook County and 15 other cities already had a similar provision, but I am especially happy because I do not live in that county or one of those cities.

Of course the Repubs' panties are all wadded up. They're worried it will allow transvestites to use women's restrooms and open the "Pandora's box" of gay marriage. Zzzzzzzz - somebody wake me when they come up with a good argument. The last I heard, the only state to allow gay marriage - Massachussetts - hasn't exploded yet and, oh yeah, it has the lowest divorce rate. Nice try, though.

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