Friday Blogrollin’ (Thursday Night Edition)

Got a few extras this week, but I would never get everyone added who deserved it if I stuck to only one or two each Friday…

First up: The Dark Wraith, who I hope won’t be offended if I call a pal and whose musings I first came to appreciate during some late night nattering at AMERICAblog, before either of us had our own pads in the blogoshere. No need to link to any post in particular—go read anything. When the Dark Wraith has spoken, it’s worth listening to.

Next Stop: T Rex’s Guide to Life. Even though we’ve established the name refers to the dinosaur, and not the eminently cool band, I’d still like to think we’re both Children of the Revolution. Again, lots of posts would do, although this is a recent favorite.

Destination: Poetic Leanings. Aside from my instant affinity for the name of his blog, Scott posts lots of great stuff. Funny, insightful, and informative.

Off we go to Me4President, which is authored by another chap called Scott, whose humor and idealism I so appreciate (in comments here and on his own blog), especially when I’m feeling old and cranky. This and this will introduce you nicely.

And last but not least: 42, which is, of course, the answer to everything in the universe, and who can argue with that? This is a good one. (I guess especially if you live in St. Paul, but I don’t, and I could still totally relate).

Off you go, then. Lots of reading to do!

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