Dem Update

Kos reports on the National Journal’s chief political writer Chuck Todd’s analysis of the new Dem campaign leadership. Interesting stuff.

Like Kos, I’m not completely convinced that Bill Richardson was the best choice for heading the Democratic Governors’ Association, since he wasn’t able to deliver his state to Kerry, but can be tenacious, and I think he has potential as a good fundraiser in his new position. I’ll wait and see…

There’s no question about Charles Schumer’s interest in fundraising. His eye for money is, in fact, one of the things I sometimes dislike about him, as it seems to take precedence over more important things, a prime example being his comments about Kerik; his dollar-sign clouded eyes were more interested in money for NYC than Kerik’s suitability for the job. But sometimes what is a flaw in one arena is a strength in another, and so if Schumer can restrain himself from making dopey statements for two minutes and concentrate on fund-raising (in which his skills are enviable) as the new head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, he might just do us all proud.

I have a special place in my heart for Rahm Emanuel Having been a Chicago resident for a decade, I am well familiar with him and his remarkable energy, and I think he’s a great choice to lead the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

All three men have their work cut out for them, but as Chuck Todd notes, the team
is the biggest collection of alpha-male, hyper-competitive politicians the party has assembled in a long time. These three men are hungry and ambitious—two things that can change the party’s attitude when comes to 2006 expectations.
Now that’s what I like to hear.

Fundraising is, of course, only one part of the equation. We are facing a number of challenges and retirements in the ’06 mid-term elections, and I’m hoping that we’re going to see some viable and inspiring candidates. But no candidate is any good without financial backing, so getting our fundraising house in order is a great start.

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