Constitutional Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage Reintroduced

Paging Barbara Boxer…and any other Dem with balls to do the right thing. Let’s smack this down with the contempt it deserves:
Wasting little time in asserting the GOP's new strength nationwide, U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard of Colorado today reintroduced a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

"We need to continue with the momentum from the election. Support has grown in the Senate and the nation," the Republican lawmaker said.


"Right now we have all the leadership on the bill on the Republican side. A fifth of the Senate has signed on for sponsorship," he said.
One-fifth is so not even close to what they need, but the last time it was put up to a vote, it ended up with 48 Senators’ support.

We don’t just need votes against this proposed amendment; we need strong Democratic voices to define this amendment as immoral, inequitable, and a despicable attempt to codify discrimination into the United States Constitution.

And by the way, Mr. Allred and all you other Republican wankers who plan to support this piece of bile—don’t you have anything better to do? The president said he’d extend the assault weapons ban if you sent it to him…how’s that going? The troops mentioned they could use some better armor…how’s that going? And what about fixing that Social Security crisis you’re all screaming about…how’s that going?


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