Borat Strikes!

Da Ali G Show is hilarious. Can't wait to see this!

Introduced as Boraq Sagdiyev from Kazakhstan, he was said to be an immigrant touring America. Speaking in broken English, the mysterious man first told the decidedly pro-American crowd - it was a rodeo, of all things, in Salem, of all places - that he supported the war on terrorism.

"I hope you kill every man, woman and child in Iraq, down to the lizards," he said,
"And may George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq," he continued.

By then, a restless crowd had turned downright nasty.
"If he had been out there a minute longer, I think somebody would have shot him," Jaymes said. "People were booing him, flipping him off."

Rodeo producer Bobby Rowe, who by then had figured out that he was the victim of some kind of hoax, had the man escorted out of the civic center. By Saturday afternoon, Jaymes had observed that Sagdiyev looked a lot like the title character of Da Ali G Show, a Home Box Office production that often catches its guests and audiences unaware and then records their reaction to "shock value" material such as Friday night's performance.

The show has a character named Borat from Kazakhstan, according to the HBO Web site.

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