Al's the Man

Say what you will about Al Sharpton—I know he’s got baggage—but I love him. He says what Dems in elected offices never seem to want to say:
African Americans were taken in by a "con" game by Republicans last November former presidential candidate Al Sharpton said. Speaking to parishioners at Atlanta's Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal on Sunday, Sharpton said Bush manipulated the gay marriage debate to draw attention away from the Iraq war and his domestic problems.

"I think George Bush manipulated a lot of religious feelings about marriage when the president has little or nothing to do with marriage," Sharpton said. "The president cannot order what marriage is for men or women," Sharpton said.

"It was the place for a debate on Iraq, he's in charge of the military; health care, he's in charge of that; on Social Security, he's in charge of that," he told church goers. "But we should not relinquish the morality of the church to the office of president. He has nothing to do with that." ( via Pam’s House Blend)
I’ve written about the issue of using homophobia to fracture the black community before, and I think it’s just the beginning of an ugly trend. Between Rev. Al Sharpton’s fiery speech at the Democratic Convention and his support of gay acceptance in the black community, I don’t know if we realize how much we owe him for standing watch at a border that the rest of the party seems to ignore.

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