My favorite quote, however, comes from the Rev. Al Sharpton on the question of trying to legislate a Christian morality:
We're talking about whether we have the right to impose what we believe on people that may disagree with us. Even God gives you a choice of heaven and hell. We don't have a right to tell people we're going to force them to live in a way that we want them to live…Even God gives you a choice of heaven and hell. Absolutely brilliant.
Say what you like about the Rev. Al (and yes, I know he has baggage), but he has been on fire recently. He was awesome in the primary debates, and even better at the Democratic Convention. I don’t think he’s Oval Office material (having never held an elected office, for a start), but I don’t believe he thinks he is, really, either. His unique voice comes from the fact that he will likely never be a viable candidate, which allows him to say things that someone like Senator Kerry cannot.
I’m glad to have Rev. Al on our side. He says it like it is, and I like that about him immensely.
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