Matt Damon, What Happened to You?

[Content Note: Privilege.]

Matt Damon has spent the past few years fading from a problematic fave to a problem.

His latest fuckery is waxing impressed about how John Krasinski overcame the "unfair burden" of having starred for many years on a hit TV show. Yes, really.

"Playing a character on a TV show for so long, John had this unfair burden he had to smash through, and that's been done now, clearly."

That is a real quote from a real article in the world.

Goddddddddddd I'm so glad I never had the unfair burden of being a straight white thin cis man who had to make millions of dollars toiling away at one of my first jobs in my chosen occupation! CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE???

image of me as a toddler, sitting in my grandmother's kitchen in pink footie pajamas with my legs crossed, scowling
My face, now and forever. Apparently.

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