Therese Patricia Okoumou Scales the Statue of Liberty on the 4th of July in Protest of Trump's Nativist Policies

Yesterday, a 44-year-old woman named Therese Patricia Okoumou scaled the base of the Statue of Liberty in protest of the Trump Regime's war on immigrants. Okoumou is herself an immigrant to the United States who was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The images of her protest are absolutely striking.

Also, if you've never been to the Statue of Liberty, or ever paid much attention to how it's structured, take a look at this image, care of the National Parks Service, to see what it actually means to scale the Statue all the way to her base and settle into the folds of her dress:

image of the Statue of Liberty, showing the nearly 100 feet just to the case that Okoumou scaled

As Bree Newsome, who in 2015 scaled the 30-foot flagpole at the South Carolina state capitol to remove the Confederate flag, noted on Twitter, this was a pretty great way to mark the Fourth:

Indeed. Which nonetheless did not prevent some of the tourists, who had to be evacuated from the island while police arrested Okoumou, from complaining about how she ruined their trip.
Some Liberty Island tourists ferried back to the Battery after the evacuation were upset about having their visits interrupted.

"We had just gotten on the island, we walked probably five minutes and all of a sudden, they're shuffling us out. We didn't even spend 10 minutes," said one woman from Columbus, Ohio.

Another man visiting from Miami with his family said the protester "ruined our visit."

"It's not every day you get to go to the Statue of Liberty on the Fourth of July," he told News 4. "At first we thought it was a terrorist attack, and then we found out it was a protester... I think there is a right way of protesting, a legal way of protesting, and she just ruined our trip."

Okoumou, an immigrant who scaled the Liberty, a statue dedicated to welcoming immigrants to this country, on the Fourth, a holiday on which people ostensibly show their patriotism to the nation's democratic ideals, understands the meaning of "the Statue of Liberty on the Fourth of July" far better than these American tourists.

And she is a greater patriot than any Republican currently holding federal office, too.

She will be arraigned in federal court this morning, and, after that hearing, it will become clearer what we will be able to do to best support her.

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