Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker meanlawyermom: "What are your strangest fears/phobias (not serious political concerns, but just weird quirks)?"

As you've probably noticed by now, I have a love of all creatures great and small. This extends to most insects. (I mean, I have a bee and a beetle tattooed on me.) I don't kill spiders (although I do remove egg sacs, because I don't need a gazillion spiders in the house); I gently return moths and lightning bugs and crickets to the great outdoors with my bare hands; even the things I do kill, like stink bugs and scout ants, don't bother me.

There is one exception.


I HATE CENTIPEDES WITH THE FIERY PASSION OF TEN THOUSAND SUNS AND THEY FREAK ME THE FUCK OUT!!! If I see a centipede anywhere in the house, I immediately scream for Iain to deal with it.

It didn't used to be this way, but, once upon a time, about 22 years ago, I saw a centipede on the wall of my apartment. I balled up some tissue to crush it, and hit it smack in its middle. And then both sides ran off in opposite directions.


It was so goddamned gross and terrifying that I have refused to deal with centipedes ever since, lol.

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