Briefly, on Trump's SCOTUS Pick

[Content Note: Misogyny.]

Also: I am really despairing as I contemplate how the announcement of Trump's Supreme Court nominee and the ensuing confirmation fight (such as it is, given the odds) will obscure much more important news — like all of this — for the foreseeable future.

It's not that a new SCOTUS justice isn't important; of course it is. Because we already know everything we need to know about his SCOTUS pick, no matter who it is. We knew when he was still a candidate.

And, whoever it is, they're not going to be worse than anyone any other Republican president would have chosen. That's the only headline that matters, really: This isn't about how terrible Trump is, but about how terrible Republicans are.

Sure, Mitt Romney might've chosen someone who looks better on paper, but they would have been just as terrible for reproductive rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, immigration law, voting rights, labor rights, the environment, election law, and every other significant social and political issue.

But what's being done to immigrants, what's happening with regard to trade, what's going on with U.S. foreign policy including and especially our relationship with Russia right now, and other domestic and global issues are, though in most cases an inevitable outgrowth of Republican politics, much more specifically about Donald Trump.

That's why they're more important issues, frankly. At least as important.

And I'm going to keep writing and talking about them, because the SCOTUS pick is about facilitating Trump's agenda — which is why it's his agenda that still matters the most.

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