1,600 Undocumented Immigrants Being Transferred to Federal Prisons

[Content Note: Nativism; carcerality.]

According to Reuters, the "detainees awaiting civil immigration court hearings" will be sent to one of five federal prisons "temporarily."

A thousand of them will reportedly be going to a single prison in Victorville, California, prompting a prison employees' union to say that "the influx of ICE detainees raises questions about prison staffing and safety."

It certainly raises questions about the safety of the "detainees," too.

Please take note of the use of "detainees" to describe the people in ICE custody, among whom are asylum seekers. Previous to Donald Trump's nativist war on migrants and refugees, "detainees" was a word we encountered most frequently in stories about terrorists.

That's not a coincidence.

This administration is waging a gross campaign of human rights violating indecency against migrants and refugees, and anyone who doesn't want to be a Good German had better start making noise about it. Those "what would you have done" thought experiments aren't hypotheticals anymore. It's happening.

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