What I'm Listening To

Aimee Mann: "Goose Snow Cone"

On composing this track, Aimee Mann shared on Facebook:
I wrote "Goose Snow Cone" when I was on tour in Ireland, on a cold and snowy day. I was feeling very homesick when I saw a picture on Instagram of a cat I know named Goose.

Her fluffy white face was looking up at the camera in a very plaintive way, like a little snowball, and I started singing a little song about her that turned into a song about loneliness. I intended to change the lyrics but could never find a phrase to replace the one I started with.

When it came time to make a video, I knew the original Goose had to be in it. Her owners are my friends Rob and Puloma who coincidentally produce and direct videos. One of my cats had recently gone through a long illness and I was thinking about that when I came up with the idea for the video, and I knew Puloma had to star in it, as she has a very lovely and expressive face. The vet in the video is my actual vet and he's a great guy. It was not easy wrangling Goose but the magic of editing makes it all work!
I loved this song when I first heard it, but the fact that Goose looks a lot like my Olivia, who's had to spend a lot of time at the vet lately, and will again tomorrow, makes it particularly special to me, so it's been in the rotation a lot lately.

Also: Aimee Mann's voice! Omggggg forever.

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