World Mental Health Day

The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day is mental health and the workplace, which has special significance to me this year, given the amount of anxiety currently associated with my work.

And I know I'm not alone, whether one works in politics or not. Frankly, I think that U.S. politics — specifically the presidency of Donald Trump — has had deleterious effects for the mental health of countless people around the world.

I realize that sounds like a joke, because many people jokingly make similar observations, but I am not joking: Every person I know has more stress, anxiety, and/or depression as a result of this administration, its malice, and the relentless hatred it has unleashed and empowered.

So, here's a space to talk about that, if you want and need one. Or how your own workplace affects your mental health. Or your mental health generally.

[If you are having urgent thoughts of self-harm, do not leave a comment; please contact emergency services immediately.]

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