Chuck Schumer, What Are You Even Doing?

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, quoted in the Washington Post over the weekend:
"When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don't blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself," Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in an interview previewing the new plan. "So what did we do wrong? People didn't know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that."
Goddammit. There are so many things wrong with that load of horseshit, I hardly know where to begin, but I'll start here: I can't even imagine how much Vladimir Putin loves that quote.

Just think about what a huge boner Putin has over the fact that he hated Hillary Clinton so much that he interfered in an election to defeat her and elect Donald Trump, and now the leadership of Clinton's own party is blaming her and insisting that blaming Russia is a deflection of responsibility.

You know who else likes that quote?

Thanks a fuckload, Schumer.

Please join your pals Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in having an entire stadium of fucking seats.

If people didn't know what Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party stood for, it was categorically not because Hillary Clinton failed to articulate those things. She was absolutely relentless with her message of breaking down barriers so that everyone would have the same opportunities. She gave speech after speech detailing her values and her policy plans. She had the most robust campaign website I have ever seen. She spoke to as many voters one-on-one as any human running for the United States presidency possibly could have.

Everything that was in her control to communicate that message, she did.

It was not in her control whether people listened. And it was not in her control that the media often chose to aim their cameras at an empty podium where Trump would appear at some point in the afternoon rather than at her giving a stump speech full of her detailed proposals.

Here's something else that happened this weekend:

Chris Cuomo, the host of CNN's "New Day," the news network's flagship morning news show, doesn't know that Clinton's campaign slogan wasn't "I'm with Her." And arrogantly shames her based on his garbage mistake!

Maybe that sort of shit has more to do with why people weren't more keenly aware of the Democrats' agenda than a failure of Hillary Clinton.

Someone remind Chuck Schumer that she was a good enough messenger, after all, to win the popular fucking vote.

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