The Republicans Continue to Be Disloyal Scoundrels

Just yesterday, Speaker Paul Ryan's spokesperson Brendan Buck defended the disclosure of Ryan's indifference to Donald Trump's possibly being compromised by Russia by saying: "The speaker and leadership team have repeatedly spoken out against Russia's interference in our election, and the House continues to investigate that activity."

They're so dedicated to sniffing out Russian meddling, went Buck's argument, that no one could possibly believe they were indifferent to it last summer.


On the same day Buck made that ridiculous argument, this happened: [Content Note: Video may autoplay at link] Nicole Gaudiano at USA Today: GOP Blocks House Vote on Independent Russia-Trump Investigation.
House Republicans blocked a vote Wednesday on legislation to create an independent commission to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election.

A Democratic effort to force a vote failed, with only one Republican – Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina – joining them in a procedural vote that would have allowed them to bring up the bill. But Democrats also launched a petition Wednesday that would allow them to force a vote on the bill at a later date if they get a majority of lawmakers to sign on.

"Today is a courage call for our Republican colleagues," said Rep. Eric Swalwell of Calif., who co-authored the bill with Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland. "Can they — as we have done with past attacks against our country — can they put party aside, put our country first and unite with Democrats to say that never again will we tolerate an attack like this?"
The answer to that question continues to be no.
The legislation would create a 12-member, bipartisan commission that could interview witnesses, obtain documents, issue subpoenas, and receive public testimony to investigate Russia's attempts to influence the election.

The bill's 199 cosponsors include two Republicans – Jones and Rep. Justin Amash, of Michigan. Amash voted with his party to block bringing up the bill.
Of course he did. Profiles in fucking courage.

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