An Observation

Some people are very annoyed with me that I don't appreciate the virtue of their trenchant suggestion that Democrats must do more to reach out to Trump voters.

And when I point out that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes, and lost the electoral college by a pittance of overall votes, they respond, inevitably, with: "SHE LOST."

Yes. But the thing is: The last two Republican presidents (Bush and Trump) only won because of extraordinary circumstances. If Republicans can't win without a hanging chad or a meddling Vlad, I fail to see why I should be more concerned with strategy than I am with election integrity.

I am very concerned indeed with the integrity of our elections.

That includes, but is not limited to: Voting rights, voting accessibility, voter purges, felony restrictions on voting, prisoner disenfranchisement, machine tampering, gerrymandering, foreign meddling, and responsible journalism that centers policy.

The best strategy in the world, no matter one's opinion on what that may be, isn't going to win elections if they're corrupt.

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