Whoooops Your Bigly Billions, Donald!

How rich is Donald Trump? Well, he's the richest, obviously.

That's why he is struggling to pay members of his transition team. According to a report from a Trump supporter, Congressman Chris Collins, Team Donald will be sending Kellyanne Conway to fundraise for him in New York next week:

“Mr. Trump held a fundraiser down in New York City a few weeks back and did raise some money, but they have – I would use the word – ‘struggled’ to raise the private funds needed to pay these individuals who are working on behalf of the taxpayers but not being paid by the government,” said Congressman Chris Collins, who has been an advocate for Trump since early in his presidential campaign.

Of course, Donald Trump has been hounded by questions about his true wealth for quite some time, and his shady accounting is no secret. And considering that dissing his wealth was his one forbidden joke at his 2011 roast, we know he's very, very sensitive about the suggestion that he isn't as rich as he claims.

So how about it, Donald? Surely, for a man as rich as you, a man who self-funded his campaign (except when he didn't) and who is refusing to take a presidential salary ( except he probably can't), this is all chump change, right? I mean, there's no possible way that you're lying about your wealth, lying about your independence from big donors, and lying about your financial genius, right?

(Except that of course you are.)

The American Cult of Pluto, the worship of those with wealth as somehow smarter and more capable than the rest of us, has always been stupid. But it's never looked dumber than when applied to a dude like Donald, whose only real business gifts seem to be abuse, a stunning lack of self-awareness, and an amazing ability to lie. Have fun with your fundraising, Donald. I'm sure there are still a few folks out there who haven't noticed that you aren't wearing any clothes. Too bad the American public is stuck with your tailoring bill.

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