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Recommended Reading:
Sean: Elizabeth Warren Eviscerates Trump on the Senate Floor: 'I Am Ready to Fight'
Jenn: [Content Note: Racism; internment; Islamophobia] Trump Supporter Cites Japanese American Incarceration to Justify Planned Muslim Registry
Sameer: [CN: Anti-immigrationism] #SanctuaryCampus Protests Demand Safe Havens for Undocumented Students Across Country
Fannie: [CN: Bigotry] Election Fallout Part 3: On the White Working Class
Diana: [CN: War on agency] The Day After the Election, I Went Back to Work as an Abortion Provider, and I Won't Stop
TLC: [CN: Transphobia] Identity Documents and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: What We Know, and What You Can Do
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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