Here is a partial schedule of speakers for this evening.
But the big speech tonight is, of course, HILLARY CLINTON!
I am aware, as I'm sure most of you are, too, that there are various disruptions planned for her speech. I certainly hope that doesn't happen. I hope that the people who care so much about social justice will consider that they would be disrupting a historic address by the first ever female nominee of a major party, and think about what a truly shitty and ugly and counterproductive thing that would be to do.
"I care about social justice so much that I'm going to disrupt the speech of a historic nominee and ruin a key moment in women's history!"
— Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) July 28, 2016
But just in case they fail to reconsider, here's a piece, for anyone who missed it, on shouting at the convention: "What's All That Shouting at the Democratic Convention?" Which I hope will make you feel a little better, if you're feeling bad about it.
If that doesn't work, maybe this tweet by one of my best friends about the "Fart In" will!
“I sharted myself at the DNC! Take THAT, Establishment!”
— I Must, Yet I Cannot (@SoDevolved) July 13, 2016
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Let's get ready to CELEBRATE!!! WOO!
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