We have finally gotten a diagnosis: It is indeed Cushings disease. Today, Zelly started her meds, which will hopefully agree with her and start making her feel better very soon.
(And will hopefully allow me to sleep through the night again, lol. Of course, if it took being tired for the rest of my days to take care of Zelly, I would be tired for the rest of my days. That's that.)
We're glad at least to have an answer now.
During one of our many recent trips to the vet, I was sitting in the waiting room with Zelda, and one the techs came by to clean up some pee nearby, left by another visitor, presumably of the four-legged variety. She looked at Zelda and said, "She's got weird ears. She'd be a lot cuter with bigger ears."
It is my suspicion that most pet owners don't like hearing how ugly their pets are generally, but sitting in a waiting room hoping that your dog has a survivable health issue is pretty much the last place you want that sort of unsolicited commentary.
"Oh, I love her little Dorito ears," I said, and gave them a good rub.
The tech asked me what kind of dog Zelda is. Relieved that we had moved on from the "weird ears" commentary, I told her that she was a shar pei, blue heeler, and husky mix.
My relief was short-lived, as it turned out this was just an opening for her to launch into a long story about how her brother-in-law's dog is half chow and half shepherd, but has shepherd ears, so thus is highly cute. "That dog is lucky she got the big ears." She frowned at Zelda's little triangular ears.
Zelda sat beside me and grinned. Because that's what Zelda does.
Later, I was telling the other contributors and mods about this bizarre exchange. I told them: "I mean, granted, I am hugely biased, but I have always thought she is super adorable! But from the moment we got her... There is one person I don't like at the Humane Society from which we adopted her, and he looked like I had asked if we could take home a bag of dogshit when we said we wanted her. And I'm sure you recall the number of bloggers who have been obsessed with documenting how ugly she is. I suspect that Zelly is a magical creature who rewards people whose hearts are full of love by appearing ridiculously adorable to them, while appearing like a hideous monster to people whose hearts are full of crap."
It was resolved that Zelly is indeed a magical shapeshifting creature. WE'RE ONTO YOU, ZELLY!
Mwah ha ha ha.
Well, she might not be magical. And whether she's cute is a matter of opinion. But she is a VERY GOOD GIRL, who will hopefully be feeling better very soon. Thank you again to everyone who cares about our wee sweet mutt.
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