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Recommended Reading:
Tracy: [Content Note: Transphobia; violence] TDoR Is Forever, but Transphobia Doesn't Have to Be
stavvers: [CN: Sexual assault; rape culture] On Ched Evans, Rehabilitation, and My Total Lack of Pity
Israa: [CN: Misogyny; racism; objectification; discussion of orientalism in porn] On Orientalism
Alessandra: [CN: Human rights violation; detention] Nobel Laureates Call for Release of Iranian Student Omid Kokabee
Kari: [CN: Abduction; violence] Mexico Protesters Confront Police in Mass Protest for Missing Students
BYP: [CN: Police brutality; racism] Unarmed Man Fatally Shot by Police in Brooklyn
Kyler: [CN: Homophobia] ACLU Will Sue Kansas to Force State Agencies to Recognize Same-Sex Marriages
CaitieCat: Review of Firefly: The Board Game
Leave your links and recommendations in comments. Self-promotion welcome and encouraged!
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