
Rob at io9: "Tucked away in a Variety article about Billy Crystal joining the Henson Company's production of Which Witch?—which, you know, whatever—comes the much more interesting news that a sequel to 1986's Labyrinth is in the works (along with the previously rumored Dark Crystal 2 and Fraggle Rock movies). There's of course no information other than the fact that is apparently exists, which is still pretty mind-boggling."

Um, yes. Yes that is pretty mind-boggling.

I can't even imagine what a Labyrinth sequel would look like, nor a Dark Crystal sequel. Although I'm slightly more positive on the former than the latter.

The Dark Crystal feels too definitive (and, if I'm honest, too special) to me for a sequel.

If David Bowie returns for the Labyrinth sequel, however, I am officially on board. Even if it's nothing more than a tale about how the Goblin King just really loves making sandwiches in his dotage.

image of David Bowie as the Goblin King in Labyrinth, which I have photoshopped to make it look as though he's holding out a sandwich
"I made you turkey on a pretzel roll, Sarah."

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