Good Morning! Or Whatever!

Please enjoy this video of a very spoiled (but not so spoiled that he doesn't listen) Great Dane named Dinky throw a hilarious tantrum because his dad is giving Ro-Ro lovies and not him.

Video Description: A middle-aged white man sits in a comfy chair beside a couch. In front of him, sitting with his back to him, is a harlequin Great Dane named Ro-Ro, whom the man is petting. Next to him, half on and half off the couch, is a black with white hightlights Great Dane named Dinky, who is grumpily complaining in low vocalizations that he is not being pet.

Dinky growls and yowls pitifully as the man tells him: "Lay down, I can love Ro-Ro. No. You get up there and lay down and let Ro have a turn. You get up there and lay down..." Rowr rowr rowr rowr. "You let Ro-Ro have a turn!" Dinky leans forward kisses his face. "Get back up on that couch!" Dinky backs up onto the couch.

"You get on that couch." Grrrrrrmph. Dinky looks at his mom, behind the camera. "Don't look at Mom." Mom laughs. "She's..." Rowr rowr rowr rowr. "You just lay down. I can give Ro-Ro lovies, too." Dinky circles on the couch and lays down with a grumping harrumph. "You're just tired and crabby."

This goes on for another minute, until Dinky's grumbling reaches a fevered pitch and he dramatically flops back onto the couch petulantly. His mom and dad laugh. Dinky grumbles, wagging his tail. Dinky is proud of himself now and being silly. Ro-Ro rolls over on his back. Fun times for everyone!

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