Quote of the Day

"Even critics are acknowledging that the ACA is bringing health care to those who desperately need it. In short, it's working. ...In fact, over 421,000 Kentuckians have signed up for health insurance through 'kynect'—about 75 percent of whom didn't previously have insurance and about 52 percent of whom were under age 35. That's almost 1 in 10 Kentuckians. Those numbers—and the testimony of the people behind them—contradict the mindless nattering of partisan-minded critics who need to leave their Washington D.C. echo chambers and talk to the people they represent. Because if each of the over 421,000 people who signed up via 'kynect' could grab 10 minutes of Sen. McConnell's time to explain what health care coverage means for their families, and if the Senator had the endurance to listen 24/7, it would take eight years to hear from each enrollee. That's longer than the entire new Senate term he says he deserves."Democratic Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear.


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