
[Content Note: Misogyny; objectification.]

Daniel McCawley owns a restaurant called the Atomic Grill in Morgantown, West Virginia. Recently, a customer posted a review on UrbanSpoon demanding that the female servers at the Atomic Grill "show some skin." And this is how McCawley responded:

image of potato skins on a serving platter loaded with toppings
By posting an image of potato skins!

And he didn't stop there:
"It was brutish. I was upset. I’m a father of a 12-year-old girl and I’ve got five sisters," McCawley said. "The way that women are treated is pretty personal as far as I’m concerned."

...From now through Memorial Day, Atomic Grill will be offering a potato skin special for $7, and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information Services.

"We took offense to the review and wanted to flip it in a positive way," McCawley explained.
If you'd like to offer a virtual high five to McCawley and some support to his female staff, the Atomic Grill's Facebook page is here.

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