It Is Time for a Flula Break!

Flula: "Polar Vortex, You Freeze My Cortex: A Complain Song"

Video Description: Flula, a young, thin, white man speaking in German-accented English, is in his bed in winter clothes, covered by a blanket. He holds a microphone, and there's recording and amplifying equipment in the bed with him.

Shivery noises. He emerges from under the blanket and turns on the backing beat, which is a looped recording of his own voice. And then he sing-raps: The temperatures are low. / Why are they so very low? / It is a POLAR VORTEX! / A what? / POLAR VORTEX! / Oh! / POLAR VORTEX! / Eh. / POLAR VORTEX! / Kick it hah! / POLAR VORTEX! / Yeah, yeah. / POLAR VORTEX! / Oh yes! / POLAR VORTEX! / Oh yeah! / POLAR VORTEX! / Ahh! / POLAR VORTEX! / I need some Gore-Tex! / You're freezing my booty, my face, and my cortex! / POLAR VORTEX! / You are not my buddy! / I would give you the finger, but it's hiding in my snuggie! / POLAR VORTEX! / Go away! / POLAR VORTEX! / I do not like you! / POLAR VORTEX! / Why are you here? / POLAR VORTEX! / I hate you WHAT / POLAR VORTEX! / You are freezing! / You're causing much coughing, much frostbite, much sneezing! / POLAR VORTEX! / I do not crave you. / But if you was on a plate I would microwave you! / POLAR VORTEX! / You are so cold! / POLAR VORTEX! / You make me freeze hard. / POLAR VORTEX! / Your temperatures are low. / POLAR VORTEX! / You suck it! / Ahhhhh / It's time for hibernate! / Ahhhhh / It's time for hibernate. / Ahhhhh / It's time for hibernate! [he crawls under the covers] / Ahhhhh / It's time! / Ahhhhh / Spring! / I need you spring. / Dance!

Then he speaks, still buried beneath the blanket, with an echo effect on his voice: "Spring, please hurry. I want your flowers and butterflies also."

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