This is a real thing in the world.

image of the cover of Charles Krauthammer's upcoming book titled: 'THINGS THAT MATTER: Three Decades of Passions, Pastimes and Politics.'

Charles Krauthammer is a conservative pundit who writes for a column for the Washington Post, and, if you're not familiar with his work, today's execrable column [content note: racism] is a pretty terrific example of the magnitude of his aggressive indecency.

Anyway. He has a new book coming out next week! And it is called Things That Matter. THINGS! THAT! MATTER! Ahhhhhahahahaha! Can you even imagine writing a book called Things That Matter?! "This is a book that I have written, and I only write about Things That Matter, so." OMG!

The publisher describes it as "the long-awaited collection of Charles Krauthammer's essential, timeless writings," which is EVEN BETTER.

"Hi, I am an adult human being, and this is my book, Things That Matter, which is a collection of my essential and timeless writings." Just LOL FOREVER.

Maybe this isn't as funny if you haven't been reading for decades the noxious swill Krauthammer regularly disgorges into the pages of the Washington Post. Or if you're a person who can imagine writing a book, on any subject, no less a book just regurgitating your previously published garbage thoughts, and titling it Things That Matter.

I hope you will enjoy my forthcoming book, All the Important Things, and Nothing Else: These Are the Only Subjects That Matter, and Here Are All My Essential and Timeless Words About Them. With a foreword by Jesus Christ. In bookstores soon!

[H/T to my pal Norbizness.]

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