Daily Dose of Cute

Here's Matilda, playing with Olivia's tail while Livs sits on my lap. Zelda isn't impressed.

[Video Description: Matilda the Seal-Point Blue-Eyed Cat lies on the sofa, hanging over the edge of the seat. Olivia the White and Tabby Farm Cat sits on my lap on the loveseat, her tail curling and swishing near Matilda's outstretched face. Matilda bites and swipes at Olivia's tail. Olivia, from her perch on my lap, turns and looks at Matilda disinterestedly. I pan around to Zelda, sitting beside me and on my curled up feet, who regards all of this stoically. She gives me a look that seems to say, "Cats, eh?" I pan back around to Matilda, who is lying with her head hanging way off the soda. Olivia flicks her tail. Matilda rears up and jabs at Iain's tablet, which is sitting on the arm of the sofa, then flops back and reaches for Olivia's tail. Then she sees a ghost, sits up, sniffs at the tablet, and buries her head between the arm and a pillow.]

Matilda, who does this funny thing we call "seeing ghosts," where she appears to see Something Very Scary where nothing is, then run around or spin around in a really funny way, was doing so much ghost-spotting the same afternoon. Like a lot of cats, she just likes to fake-terrify herself for fun. Anyway, here's a little bit of Matilda being a super-goofy ghost spotter, too.

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