Quote of the Day

"What is at risk is the discretion of a woman to make judgments about the size and timing of her family. It's respect for the judgment of women about what is good for them, for their families, their health... I don't know if my colleagues need a lesson on the birds and the bees. I really don't get it."—House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, wondering if her Republican colleagues waging a war on agency are in need of some basic biology lessons.

That. And some basic decency lessons.

Me, on July 3, watching the debate in the Texas legislature:

Pretty much anyone who's paying attention to what Republicans are saying during these "abortion debates" has noticed that they don't know the first fucking thing about abortion or human reproduction. That's a pretty significant problem, given the power with which they've been imbued to legislate both.

In related news, Texas Governor Rick Perry has just signed the sweeping anti-abortion bill in Texas.

[NB: Not only women need access to a full spectrum of reproductive options.]

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