Headline of the Day

Care of the Texas Tribune: Abortion Rights Activists Descend on Capitol.

DESCEND! Like locusts. Or zombies, maybe.
Opponents of Republican-backed legislation to dramatically curtail abortion rights in Texas descended on the Capitol by the thousands on Monday, spurred on by musicians, celebrities and their new hero: filibustering state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth.

Meanwhile, about 100 supporters of the omnibus abortion legislation marched to the Capitol on Monday morning to a press conference orchestrated by women who deeply regretted their decision to have an abortion.

The abortion rights rally drew a crowd that organizers estimated to be roughly 5,000 people and featured performances by Bright Light Social Hour — the band introduced a new song with one word, "Wendy" — and singer Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks.
DESCENDED BY THE THOUSANDS! Meanwhile, 100 anti-choice fuckheads who think they have a claim of ownership of those DESCENDERS' bodies marched peaceably in support of their inherently violent ideology.

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