Daily Dose of Cute

[Content Note: Video below briefly includes the dogs play-biting one another. They are not hurting each other at all (although Dudley is being annoying), but if that sort of thing bothers you, you might want to skip this one.]

Dudley spends his days napping. He is a very proficient napper! If there was a Dog Olympics, he would be the Michael Phelps of napping.

Greyhounds are sprinters, not marathoners, so they tend to have one HUGE burst of energy a day, and spend the rest of their days eating and sleeping, to get ready for the next HUGE burst of energy. And, once a day (at least), Dudley will EXPLODE into the backyard, and run around the back half of the garden, which he has turned into his own personal racetrack. And he will RUN and RUN and RUN, so fast that I can barely keep up with him with the camera.

But every once in awhile, he gets all petulant, and doesn't want to RUN, and instead wants to use his energy to annoy everyone in the house, lol. And first he'll sit in front of me and bark, and then Iain (if it's a weekend), and then he'll bark at Olivia, because he knows she's third in charge, and, when none of us respond to his entreaties, he'll go and try to get Zelda to play, and she never wants to when he's in That Mood, so he goes and nips at his plushy toys in a giant, ass-in-the-air playbow crouch, while his silly ears twitch in a hilarious way.

Video Description: Dudley looks at me plaintively, then starts trying to engage Zelda with playbiting, but she is having none of it, so he goes and jumps on his plushy toys lying on the floor, his ears turned backwards and bouncing in an extremely silly fashion. Zelda licks her paws, miffed that Dudley has ruffled her fur. Dudley nips at his toys. Then he stands in the middle of the room, looking perturbed, before walking away.

Naturally, I took him outside to play right after this. And I chased him until he RAN and RAN and RAN. And then he came inside and went to sleep.

image of Dudley the Greyhound sleeping soundly on the couch, his legs all tangled up

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