
Hey, you know how Texas Governor Rick Perry has decided to call another special session because the first special session didn't pass his grody anti-abortion bill thanks to an incredible filibuster and a massive outpouring of voters? REMEMBER THAT?  

Well, it has been pointed out to me in email that the Texas legislators make $7,200 per year (plus per diem) and are usually expected to hold second jobs in addition to their legislative work. (Unless, of course, they're rich enough to treat politics like a game and/or corrupt enough to leverage their political power into more money. But this is not the ideal, is what I am saying.)

Asking legislators to work an extra 30 days (again!) without more pay because the governor's pet bill wasn't ready and/or didn't get passed in the regular session is bullshit. And yet here we are. Because Rick Perry and his Republican buddies don't give a shit about people who have different bodies, different salaries, different responsibilities, or different anything from them and their Privilege Club.

Much credit to eastsidekate for pointing this out.

Cross-linking: I'm compiling a filibuster retrospective here, for those who missed the live-tweeting the first time and/or found the 140-character limits a little confusingly terse. 

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