Boston Bombing: Update

[Content Note: Terrorism.]

I have been following the news about the latest developments—or reported developments, care of a variety of anonymous sources—in the Boston bombing case, but I haven't been sharing a whole lot, because, although the news is coming out more slowly now, there is still a lot of conflicting information and whooooops that might've been wrong happening.

Where we are right now, though, is that there is some question about what the FBI and CIA knew when and what they did with that information. This piece at TPM is pretty good in outlining the informational flow between agencies and their respective interactions with the Russian government, regarding the deceased suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

I'm still practicing patience, waiting for a solid picture before I make any judgments—but I will make the observation that it's looking a lot like, despite the establishment of new law and new security positions and the entire Department of Homeland Security after 9/11, all of which was implemented ostensibly with the purpose of centralizing counter-terrorism efforts and facilitating communication between agencies, the left hand still doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

That would be a problem even if we hadn't conceded liberties and privacy rights to our government under the auspices of ensuring that dysfunction would end.

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