The Post-Debate Thread

gif of VP Joe Biden crossing his arms exasperatedly at Paul Ryan with added text reading 'This Fucking Guy'

That gif, care of Amadi, pretty much sums up the debate. Rep. Paul Ryan would say something dishonest or stupid; Vice President Joe Biden would react with incredulity, exasperation, and fury. It was pretty awesome.

Of course, Democratic Vice-President Joe Biden being aggressive (and honest) was deemed to be a Terrible Thing by the media who anointed Republican nominee Mitt Romney the winner for being aggressive (and dishonest) last week. Predictable. I tweeted this halfway through the debate last night:

Irrespective of the spin, Biden won the debate in a landslide. And even many of the people trying to spin Biden as a bully have to begrudgingly admit he won. He utterly destroyed everything Ryan was saying, and called him out, point-blank, on his "malarkey."

Anyhoo, here are some useful links if you missed it...

My liveblogging is here and here.

The always-great Richard Adams' liveblogging is here.

NPR has video and transcript of the debate here.

Memeorandum has plenty of debate analysis here.


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