The American Dream Denied

by Shaker BrianWS, who may or may not become a full-time contributor someday based on our next visit to The Oracle with Neo.

image of two red-white-and-blue housekeys emblazoned with eagles heads

So, my boyfriend and I just got a new place. I had to make copies of the keys, so I went full-tilt, faux-patriotic Republican. Mitt Romney would be so proud. That is, if he were able to feel emotions other than MONEY.

When I got them, of course I took a picture of them and sent it to Liss, with the message: "They unlock the AMERICAN DREAMTM!"

Followed shortly thereafter with: "OMFG I couldn't make this shit up… THEY DON'T WORK! OBVIOUSLY!"

It was especially surprising since that's the first time I've ever seen something with a bald eagle on it be anything but absolutely perfect.

I'm on my way back to the keysmith. Life is an adventure!

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