Daily Dose of Cute

Matilda is a playful cat. She is talkative and silly and irascible and loves to play with toys. When she was younger, she would play fetch for hours with a balled up piece of tinfoil. But nothing, and I mean nothing, brings out the ferocious play-cat in Tils like a piece of ribbon. She will play with a string or a bungee or a bit of rope, but she goes absolutely wild for ribbons.

Recently, Iain bought me a little gifty which came wrapped in a yellow ribbon. I gave it to Matilda, who naturally went bananas. This video is after I'd already been playing with her for probably half an hour straight.

Video Description: Matilda sits next to me on the couch, batting and grabbing and biting at a piece of yellow ribbon I'm dangling at her. When she manages to get it away, I reach for it, and she nips at my hand in its defense, even though she wants me to grab it and keep playing. She rolls around goofily. When I let her keep the ribbon, she plays with it a little on her own, but looks at me plaintively to KEEP PLAYING! Then she turns away pitiably. The video ends.

I played with her with that thing for probably another hour. For days, she carried it around like it was a magical scepter. Eventually, it started getting manky, and Iain threw it away. She promptly tore a pink ribbon handle off a gift bag that was in my office, lol.

image of Matilda the Cat sitting on the couch with her ribbon, imploring me to play

image of Matilda lunging after the ribbon

image of Matilda rolling around with the ribbon

image of Matilda lying on her side with the ribbon beside her, looking up at me

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