This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.

[Content Note: Misogyny; gender essentialism; heterocentrism.]

Tracy McMillan: Why You're Still Not Married.

I hate every single thing about this article. In fact, I hate it so much, I almost don't want to give HuffPo the traffic for it, since piquing feminist ire seems to be the point.

But I do want to use this piece to point out a very insidious habit of antifeminist writers: The old "You know there's a voice in the back of your head telling you I'm right" chestnut.

Yeah. That "voice" is the Patriarchy. That "voice" is the collection of Patriarchal narratives implanted in women's psyches since birth to undermine our agency and confidence and independence, and to entrain us to self-blame.

Appeals to that voice are gross, woman-hating garbage. And when I see another female writer making those appeals—come on, you know I'm right—it makes me angry and it makes me sad, because that bellicose admonishment is masking a deep insecurity, a resignation. I give up. I give in. You can, too.

It's just so much easier to go along with it all, especially if you have company.

[H/T to @artsynomad.]

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