The Bird is the Word

Okay, so I need to tell you that I kind of love Kristen Stewart.* I find her to be a compelling actor, although I'm not certain yet if she's a great one. I dig most of her interviews, in which she is often hilariously blunt and does things like refer to Robert Pattison as "my fucking boyfriend." This recent interview with in which she says interesting things about Snow White and the Huntsman (which I can't wait to see, by the way) and funny things about her pets, is pretty good:

Stewart, sitting for an interview with a castle as a backdrop: Whoa, that's sooooo weird. [makes a face and holds up her hand]

Text Onscreen with accompanying voiceover:

Stewart, asked about "kicking a lot of ass" in SWATH: I think the coolest thing about it was that, that they were never going to have me do something that I couldn't actually physically do. [over scenes from SWATH] It was never going to be like, you know, a superhero movie. It was gonna be like, okay, so what—what could a girl actually be capable of in a situation like this? You know, I'm not going to be able to take out like six-foot men in armor. It's, like, you know, about being faster than them, or about like being smarter. And that was cool, because I think it's kinda super on-trend right now to have strong female characters just sort of act like guys.


Stewart, asked in a tweet about the necklace she's wearing: [looks at and plays with necklace] Oh, um, it's just a little token. [shrugs] Had a birthday recently. That's all. [edit; now being cheeky, after being asked again] I found it! It just, like, it just appeared somewhere, and I was like, "Whoa. It's on my birthday! It's been so great this year!" Nah.


Stewart, asked about whether her cat Max or dog Bear loves her more: Ohhhhhh. [laughs] That's so weird. They both, I think they both like me in, love me, I think [laughs] in very different ways. I think Bear is literally a child. He's like my, he's still a baby. [motions Bear lying beside her] And Max is like... [makes standoffish face of perfect cat contempt] I mean, we live together. [laughs] He's like my roommate. And, uh, so yeah, there's a difference there.
But. BUT! My favorite thing ever about Kristen Stewart is how she totally doesn't give a fuck. Which leads me to this ridiculously awesome photo of her at the premiere of Snow White and the Huntsman with co-stars Charlize Theron and Chris "Thor" Hemsworth:

Kristen Stewart, in a black lace dress, makes a face and flips the birth as she crouches next to Chris Hemsworth, in a grey suit, and Charlize Theron, in a black gown
[Click for close-up.]

I love this picture so hard. Kristen Stewart, in her exquisite, expensive, extraordinary gown, crouching like a naughty child, sticking out her tongue, and giving Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth the finger. LOL! And Chris Hemsworth grinning and Charlize Theron giving Stewart this total "WTF?" expression and gesture. LOL! It's just the greatest.

I mean, it's great just because of the brilliant irreverence that really shatters the insufferable self-importance of movie premieres, but also, I gotta be honest, I just love women who flip the bird.


* Which, I want to underline, does not mean I think she's perfect, or that I am unaware of the fact she has had made some public mistakes (for which she's been remarkably good about apologizing after listening to criticism) or been in some less than perfectly feminist films. If perfection, no less perfection at age 22, were a condition of fondness, we'd all be pretty fucked, now, wouldn't we? So let's skip the "Well, I certainly don't love her since she fucked up this one time!" comments. You don't have to love her. But, short of signing a pro-Polanski position or being personally abusive, maybe we can let go the unearthing and recounting of personal failures about which regret has been expressed in threads highlighting something good about someone. People who live public lives make public mistakes.

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