Friday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by cement.

Recommended Reading:

Edna: [TW for racism] The Message of Occupy Wall Street: Return to Social Justice

Shark-fu: [TW for violent racist imagery; rape culture] Digital Strange Fruit Hanging from Cyber Trees?

Andy: New Jersey Judge to Hear Marriage Equality Arguments Today

Tami: [TW for transphobia] If You're a Bigot When You're Angry, You're a Bigot All the Time

Reninaj: [TW for rape culture; racism; misogyny] Black Feminist Love and Amber Cole

Meredith; [TW for racism; appropriation] Garrett Hedlund Offered Lead Role in Akira. Crap.

Jane: [TW for misogyny; objectification] Women Struggling to Drink Water

Cuppycake: [TW for misogyny; disordered eating; racism] Recommended Reading: Sexism Bingo, EDs in Geek Culture, and More

Kirby: Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet [VIDEO]

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