Not Quite Daily Teaspoon Report

I think we really could use a thread of good news today.

I'm changing the format of this a touch. We're going to try a one-thread version of this, and hopefully people can keep the congratulations messages to a minimum - through use of the Like button, for instance.

The NQDTR, for those who've not encountered it before (because depression got to me, and I stopped posting them), is a thread wherein Shakers can report a teaspoon that they did or encountered. A teaspoon can be anything: tiny little things, or great big things. You don't need to apologize for the size of the teaspoon here. It's Not Quite Daily because I don't want to pressure myself to do it every day, but I'm going to try and have a couple a week. You can find old NQDTR threads through the label at the bottom of the post.

Because we want this to be a concentrated thread of goodness, I ask that you keep the "ooh, that was awesome" messages to a minimum - if you see someone's already said something to that comment, just add your Like click.

Comments of the sort "ooh, great idea, I think I'll adapt it thusly for my local situation" are useful and on-topic, as are comments with teaspoon ideas inspired by other Shakers' efforts.

There's also Shaker bgk's parallel effort on Twitter (where I have, finally, caved and joined, though I still log in pretty rarely: @TheCaitieCat), Tweetspoons.

So, teaspoons up, Shakers, let's hear 'em: tell us the ways you made the world better recently, or saw someone else do so.


Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.

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