A friendly reminder to my fellow Canadians

Get your arse out there and vote. (Or don't, if that is your wont.)

If, like me, your mobility is impaired (curse you, cool and damp, you foil me again!), call the party you want to vote for's local HQ, and I'll bet you they'll provide a ride. That's how I'm going.

I'm excited because, although polls indicate we've got a pretty solid Conservative minority coming again, THE (leftist) N.D.FREAKIN'.P. is poised to be the official Loyal Opposition, with the Liberals coming third, and the Bloc fourth. Greens, as usual, are likely to be nearly shut out by the first-past-the-post system.

See Superior Olive's earlier guest post for more details on the election. As for me, I'm off to vote!

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