[Republican Indiana Governor Daniels] eagerly fielded questions about the idea of running for president during a meeting with The Indianapolis Star's Editorial Board on Tuesday afternoon. His answers made clear what we already knew -- that he is giving the question deep thought -- and underscored how intently he has worked through the issues that would face him and the messages on which he would base a campaign.Still no.
Much of his message would center on his concern about what he calls the "red menace" of federal debt, which has been the focus of many of his national speeches and writings.
If he runs, he said, "it would simply be because I do think, and I hope I am wrong, that the country has put itself in a very difficult place."
There is incentive to tackle the problem now, he said, before the problem is too dire. He warned that if the nation delays Medicare and Social Security reforms, the goal he and many others share of not reducing benefits for those approaching retirement age may prove to be out of reach.
"We're starting to run out of time," he said.
Video Description: Scenes of Shia LaBeouf saying "no" like a zillion times.
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