![cover of Time magazine from 1984 featuring an image of Geraldine Ferraro and the headline 'A Historic Choice'](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/shakespeares_sister/shakes2/FerraroHistoric300.jpg)
"Give 'em hell, Gerry."
Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to run on the national ticket of a major party, as Democratic nominee Walter Mondale's vice presidential candidate in 1984, has died at age 75.
No other woman was selected for a national ticket in the interceding 24 years until Sarah Palin joined the McCain ticket in 2008.
Ferraro was, to me, both a remarkable trailblazer who inspired me to reach for more and a bitter disappointment who taught me about who I don't want to be, too.
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