You Wanted Blue Hair Pics?

...Caitie gives you blue hair pics.

When the DDOC picture of me and Dawn was posted a couple of days ago, I mentioned that I'd my hair up in a towel because it was being bleached, preparatory to returning to my long-term plan to have a rainbow of my hair (we did purple once before - in fact, my icon picture here actually has that purple hair), slowly: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, is the plan.

With that in mind, I had my friend K take some pictures of me today, as Shaker B had pointed out that the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie southern Ontario wasn't likely to see a bright sunny day until Tuesday at least. First, one catching the full wonderfulness that is my chunky-monkey self, with the blue hair, my iconic stripey socks, and my cane (also, my much-loved Misfits purse!). Shoes are check-pattern Tuf UK, with a kitty face on the front.

Next, we have a bit more visibility on the Brightly Coloured Hair:

So, why do I like having Brightly-Coloured Hair? Because I've had a problem in the past with people finding me to be intimidating in person. I'm fairly large and solidly built, and I used to cultivate a "Don't Fuck With Me" bodylanguage/expression, which I didn't know I was doing.

But! When I've got the Brightly-Coloured Hair (BCH henceforth), people stop me on the street, in lines, all over the place, with big grins and "WOW, I LOVE your hair!" Kids particularly - who are most often the ones who had the "I'm scared!" reaction, now react as though I were a particularly non-creepy clown.

It's an enormous shift in the general demeanour of my daily life. It also provides me a little bit of...what, self-esteem armour, I guess? Because without the BCH, when people are looking at me just a little too long, or looking away a little too quickly, it's hard not to think "Oh, damn, they're misreading my gender, DANGER DANGER CAITIE ROBINSON, MY HOOKS ARE FLAILING WILDLY!". When I do have the BCH, it's dead easy to remember that people tend to find it unusual when an office employee for a large bank turns up all emblued.

So there. Blueness. Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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